aiodnsprox package


aiodnsprox.coap module

DNS over CoAP serving side of the proxy.

class aiodnsprox.coap.DNSOverCoAPServerFactory(dns_upstream: DNSUpstream)[source]

Bases: BaseServerFactory

Factory to create DNS over CoAP servers

class ClosableContext(loop=None, serversite=None, loggername='coap', client_credentials=None, server_credentials=None)[source]

Bases: Context, BaseDNSServer

aiocoap.Context that also serves as an extension of dns_server.BaseDNSServer so it can be returned by DNSOverCoAPServerFactory.create_server()

async close()[source]

Closes the server.

class DNSQueryResource(factory)[source]

Bases: Resource

The DNS over CoAP resource of the DNS over CoAP server.


factory (DNSOverCoAPServerFactory) – The factory that created the DNS over CoAP server.

async render_fetch(request)[source]

aiocoap.resource.Resource method to serve a FETCH request


request – The FETCH request


The response for the FETCH request.

async render_get(request)[source]

aiocoap.resource.Resource method to serve a GET request


request – The GET request


The response for the GET request.

async render_post(request)[source]

aiocoap.resource.Resource method to serve a POST request


request – The POST request


The response for the POST request.

async create_server(loop, *args, local_addr=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates an aiocoap server context.

  • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – the asyncio event loop the server should run in

  • local_addr (typing.Tuple[str, int]) – A tuple for the created server to bind to. The first element is the host part, the second element the port.


An ClosableContext object representing an aiocoap server context.

Return type:


exception aiodnsprox.coap.NotAcceptable(message=None)[source]

Bases: ConstructionRenderableError

Exception to represent a 4.06 Not Acceptable CoAP error response

code = <Response Code 134 "4.06 Not Acceptable">

Code assigned to messages built from it

aiodnsprox.config module

Proxy configuration

class aiodnsprox.config.Config(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: object

Singleton Config mapping class to represent both config file and CLI argument congfiguration.

add_args_config(args) NoReturn[source]

Adds configuration from CLI arguments


args (argparse.Namespace) – parsed CLI arguments.

add_config(config: Mapping) NoReturn[source]

Adds configuration from a mapping


config (typing.Mapping.) – A mapping that contains the new configuration sections.

add_yaml_config(yaml_file) NoReturn[source]

Adds configuration from a YAML file


yaml (A file-like object.) – A file-like object to a YAML file.

get(section: str, default=None) Mapping[source]

Get configuration section.

  • key (str) – Name of the configuration section.

  • default – (Optional) default if section does not exist.

aiodnsprox.dns_server module

Base definitions for the serving side of the DNS proxy

class aiodnsprox.dns_server.BaseDNSServer[source]

Bases: ABC

An abstract DNS server.

abstract async close() NoReturn[source]

Closes the server.

class aiodnsprox.dns_server.BaseServerFactory(dns_upstream: DNSUpstream)[source]

Bases: ABC

Abstract BaseDNSServer factory.


dns_upstream – The proxied DNS server for dns_upstream.DNSUpstreamServerMixin.

abstract async create_server(loop: AbstractEventLoop, *args, local_addr: Tuple[str, int] | None = None, **kwargs) BaseDNSServer[source]

Creates a BaseDNSServer object.

  • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – the asyncio event loop the server should run in

  • local_addr (typing.Tuple[str, int]) – A tuple for the created server to bind to. The first element is the host part, the second element the port. If local_addr is None or any of its elements are local_addr are None, a sensible default is selected by the implementation.


An object based on the BaseDNSServer class.

Return type:


aiodnsprox.dns_upstream module

Implementation of the proxying side of the DNS proxy.

class aiodnsprox.dns_upstream.DNSTransport(value)[source]

Bases: Enum

Type to identify the server proxied via DNSUpstream.

  • TCP for DNS over TCP

  • UDP for DNS over UDP

  • UDP_TCP_FALLBACK for DNS over UDP with a fallback to DNS over TCP in case the DNS over UDP response is truncated

TCP = 2
UDP = 0
class aiodnsprox.dns_upstream.DNSUpstream(host: str, port: int | None = None, transport: DNSTransport | None = DNSTransport.UDP)[source]

Bases: object

Implementation of the DNS client towards the proxied DNS server

  • host (str) – Host of the proxied DNS server

  • port (int) – (Optional) port of the proxied DNS server. If no port is provided, the default of the selected transport will be used (e.g. 53 for DNSTransport.TCP or DNSTransport.UDP).

  • transport (DNSTransport) – (Optional) transport used to communicate with the proxied DNS server. If no transport is provided, DNSTransport.UDP will be used.

property port

Port of the proxied DNS server



async query(query: bytes, timeout: float | None = None) bytes[source]

Query proxied DNS server.

  • query (bytes) – DNS query in the on-the-wire format

  • timeout (float) – (Optional) timeout for the DNS query operation. If not provided and the transport to the server is DNSTransport.UDP, DNSUpstream.DEFAULT_LIFETIME will be used.

class aiodnsprox.dns_upstream.DNSUpstreamServerMixin(dns_upstream: DNSUpstream, timeout: float | None = None)[source]

Bases: ABC

Mixin for the serving side of the proxy for easy access towards the proxied side.

  • dns_upstream (DNSUpstream) – The proxied DNS server.

  • timeout (float) – (Optional) timeout for queries towards dns_upstream.

dns_query_received(query: bytes, requester) NoReturn[source]

The serving end of the proxy notifies that it received a DNS query and sends it to the proxied DNS server. When a response is received asynchronously, send_response_to_requester() is called to notify the serving end about the received response.

  • query (bytes) – The DNS query in on-the-wire format to send to the proxied DNS server.

  • requester – Identifier for the endpoint that originally requested the query.

logger = <Logger aiodnsprox.dns_upstream.aiodnsprox.dns_upstream (WARNING)>
abstract send_response_to_requester(response: bytes, requester) NoReturn[source]

Called when proxied DNS server responded to a DNS query send by dns_query_received().

  • response – The DNS response in on-the-wire format received from the proxied DNS server.

  • requester – Identifier for the endpoint that originally requested the query. This will have the same value as the requester parameter of dns_query_received() for the query that response is the response to.

class aiodnsprox.dns_upstream.MockDNSUpstream(*args, IN=None, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: DNSUpstream

Mocks an upstream by statically responding with a preconfigured set of records.


IN (dict) – Records for the RDATA class IN. A mapping that maps the name of the record to its data. Currently supported are A and AAAA records.

async query(query: bytes, timeout: float | None = None) bytes[source]

Query proxied DNS server.

  • query (bytes) – DNS query in the on-the-wire format

  • timeout (float) – (Optional) timeout for the DNS query operation. If not provided and the transport to the server is DNSTransport.UDP, DNSUpstream.DEFAULT_LIFETIME will be used.

aiodnsprox.dtls module

DNS over DTLS serving side of the proxy.

class aiodnsprox.dtls.BaseDTLSWrapper(transport: DatagramTransport)[source]

Bases: ABC

An abstract wrapper for a DTLS implementation


transport (asyncio.DatagramTransport) – The datagram transport the datagrams should be encrypted and decrypted for.

abstract close(addr: Any) NoReturn[source]

Closes a session with addr.


addr – An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint

abstract connect(addr: Any) NoReturn[source]

Establish a session with addr.


addr – An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint

abstract handle_message(msg: bytes, addr: Any) Tuple[bytes, Any, bool][source]

Handles a DTLS message that came over the datagram transport.

  • msg (bytes) – An incoming DTLS message.

  • addr – The remote endpoint as served by the datagram transport.


A 3-tuple, containing

  1. The unencrypted message,

  2. The (implementation-specific) remote endpoint the message was received from, an

  3. A boolean, indicating if the last message established a session with the remote endpoint.

If msg was a control message, the first and second elements will be None.

abstract is_connected(addr: Any) bool[source]

Check if a session with addr was established.


addr – A remote endpoint (implementation-specific)


True, when a session with addr is established, False if not.

abstract sessions() Sequence[source]

Returns all currently established sessions.


A sequence of (implementation-specific) remote endpoints with which a session is established.

abstract write(msg: bytes, addr: Any) NoReturn[source]

Send a msg encrypted to addr

  • msg (bytes) – The message to encrypt via DTLS.

  • addr – An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint to send the encrypted message to.

class aiodnsprox.dtls.DNSOverDTLSServerFactory(dns_upstream: DNSUpstream)[source]

Bases: BaseServerFactory

Factory to create DNS over DLTS servers

class DNSOverDTLSServer(factory)[source]

Bases: BaseDNSServer, DNSUpstreamServerMixin

DNS over DTLS server implementation.


factory (DNSOverDTLSServerFactory) – The factory that created the DNS over DTLS server.

async close()[source]

Closes the server.


See connection_lost()


See connection_made()

datagram_received(data, addr)[source]

See datagram_received()


See error_received()

send_response_to_requester(response, requester)[source]

Called when proxied DNS server responded to a DNS query send by dns_query_received().

  • response – The DNS response in on-the-wire format received from the proxied DNS server.

  • requester – Identifier for the endpoint that originally requested the query. This will have the same value as the requester parameter of dns_query_received() for the query that response is the response to.

async create_server(loop, *args, local_addr=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates an DNSOverDTLSServer object.

  • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – the asyncio event loop the server should run in

  • local_addr (typing.Tuple[str, int]) – A tuple for the created server to bind to. The first element is the host part, the second element the port.


An DNSOverDTLSServer object representing an DNS over DTLS server.

Return type:



alias of TinyDTLSWrapper

class aiodnsprox.dtls.TinyDTLSWrapper(transport)[source]

Bases: BaseDTLSWrapper

A wrapper for tinydtls.

LOG_LEVEL = {10: 6, 20: 5, 30: 3, 40: 2, 50: 0}

Closes a session with addr.


addr – An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint


Establish a session with addr.


addr – An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint

handle_message(msg, addr)[source]

Handles a DTLS message that came over the datagram transport.

  • msg (bytes) – An incoming DTLS message.

  • addr – The remote endpoint as served by the datagram transport.


A 3-tuple, containing

  1. The unencrypted message,

  2. The (implementation-specific) remote endpoint the message was received from, an

  3. A boolean, indicating if the last message established a session with the remote endpoint.

If msg was a control message, the first and second elements will be None.


Check if a session with addr was established.


addr – A remote endpoint (implementation-specific)


True, when a session with addr is established, False if not.


Returns all currently established sessions.


A sequence of (implementation-specific) remote endpoints with which a session is established.

write(msg, addr)[source]

Send a msg encrypted to addr

  • msg (bytes) – The message to encrypt via DTLS.

  • addr – An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint to send the encrypted message to.

aiodnsprox.udp module

DNS over UDP serving side of the proxy.

class aiodnsprox.udp.DNSOverUDPServerFactory(dns_upstream: DNSUpstream)[source]

Bases: BaseServerFactory

Factory to create DNS over UDP servers

class DNSOverUDPServer(factory)[source]

Bases: BaseDNSServer, DNSUpstreamServerMixin

DNS over UDP server implementation


factory (DNSOverUDPServerFactory) – The factory that created the DNS over DTLS server.

async close()[source]

Closes the server.


See connection_lost()


See connection_made()

datagram_received(data, addr)[source]

See datagram_received()


See error_received()

send_response_to_requester(response, requester)[source]

Called when proxied DNS server responded to a DNS query send by dns_query_received().

  • response – The DNS response in on-the-wire format received from the proxied DNS server.

  • requester – Identifier for the endpoint that originally requested the query. This will have the same value as the requester parameter of dns_query_received() for the query that response is the response to.

async create_server(loop, *args, local_addr=None, **kwargs)[source]

Creates an DNSOverUDPServer object.

  • loop (asyncio.AbstractEventLoop) – the asyncio event loop the server should run in

  • local_addr (typing.Tuple[str, int]) – A tuple for the created server to bind to. The first element is the host part, the second element the port.


An DNSOverUDPServer object representing an DNS over DTLS server.

Return type:
