Source code for aiodnsprox.dtls

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
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# Copyright (C) 2021 Freie Universität Berlin
# Distributed under terms of the MIT license.

"""DNS over DTLS serving side of the proxy."""

import abc
import asyncio
import logging
import time
import typing

from DTLSSocket import dtls

from .config import Config
from .dns_server import BaseServerFactory, BaseDNSServer
from .dns_upstream import DNSUpstreamServerMixin

logger = logging.getLogger()

[docs] class BaseDTLSWrapper(abc.ABC): """An abstract wrapper for a DTLS implementation :param transport: The datagram transport the datagrams should be encrypted and decrypted for. :type transport: :py:class:`asyncio.DatagramTransport` """ def __init__(self, transport: asyncio.DatagramTransport): self.transport = transport
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def is_connected(self, addr: typing.Any) -> bool: """Check if a session with ``addr`` was established. :param addr: A remote endpoint (implementation-specific) :returns: ``True``, when a session with ``addr`` is established, ``False`` if not. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def sessions(self) -> typing.Sequence: """Returns all currently established sessions. :returns: A sequence of (implementation-specific) remote endpoints with which a session is established. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def connect(self, addr: typing.Any) -> typing.NoReturn: """Establish a session with ``addr``. :param addr: An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def close(self, addr: typing.Any) -> typing.NoReturn: """Closes a session with ``addr``. :param addr: An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def handle_message( self, msg: bytes, addr: typing.Any ) -> typing.Tuple[bytes, typing.Any, bool]: """Handles a DTLS message that came over the datagram transport. :param msg: An incoming DTLS message. :type msg: bytes :param addr: The remote endpoint as served by the datagram transport. :returns: A 3-tuple, containing 1. The unencrypted message, 2. The (implementation-specific) remote endpoint the message was received from, an 3. A boolean, indicating if the last message established a session with the remote endpoint. If ``msg`` was a control message, the first and second elements will be ``None``. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def write(self, msg: bytes, addr: typing.Any) -> typing.NoReturn: """Send a ``msg`` encrypted to ``addr`` :param msg: The message to encrypt via DTLS. :type msg: bytes :param addr: An (implementation-specific) remote endpoint to send the encrypted message to. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] class TinyDTLSWrapper(BaseDTLSWrapper): """A wrapper for `tinydtls <>`_. """ EVENT_CONNECTED = 0x1DE _CT_HANDSHAKE = 22 _HT_SERVER_HELLO_DONE = 14 LOG_LEVEL = { # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member logging.DEBUG: dtls.DTLS_LOG_DEBUG, logging.INFO: dtls.DTLS_LOG_INFO, logging.WARNING: dtls.DTLS_LOG_WARN, logging.ERROR: dtls.DTLS_LOG_CRIT, logging.CRITICAL: dtls.DTLS_LOG_EMERG, } def __init__(self, transport): super().__init__(transport) # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member credentials = Config()["dtls_credentials"] client_identity = credentials["client_identity"].encode() psk = credentials["psk"].encode() self._dtls = dtls.DTLS( read=self._read, write=self._write, event=self._event, pskId=client_identity, pskStore={client_identity: psk}, ) dtls.setLogLevel(self.LOG_LEVEL[logger.level]) self._active_sessions = {} self._app_data = None self._last_event = None def __del__(self): self._active_sessions.clear() del self._dtls self._dtls = None def _read(self, addr, data): self._app_data = (data, addr + (0, 0)) return len(data) def _write(self, addr, data): if ( len(data) > 13 and data[0] == self._CT_HANDSHAKE and data[13] == self._HT_SERVER_HELLO_DONE ): delay = Config().get("dtls", {}).get("server_hello_done_delay") if delay: # Delay Server Hello Done for a bit time.sleep(delay) self.transport.sendto(data, addr + (0, 0)) return len(data) def _event(self, level, code): # pylint: disable=unused-argument self._last_event = code
[docs] def is_connected(self, addr): return addr in self._active_sessions
[docs] def sessions(self): return list(self._active_sessions)
[docs] def connect(self, addr): self._dtls.connect(*addr)
[docs] def close(self, addr): if self.is_connected(addr): self._dtls.close(self._active_sessions[addr]) del self._active_sessions[addr]
[docs] def handle_message(self, msg, addr): connected = False if isinstance(addr, tuple): ret = self._dtls.handleMessageAddr(addr[0], addr[1], msg) elif isinstance(addr, dtls.Session): # pylint: disable=I1101 ret = self._dtls.handleMessage(addr, msg) addr = addr.addr, addr.port, addr.flowinfo, addr.scope_id else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected session type {type(addr)}") if ret < 0: logger.warning("Unable to handle incoming DTLS message from %s", addr) return None, None, connected if self._last_event == self.EVENT_CONNECTED and not self.is_connected(addr): # pylint: disable=c-extension-no-member self._active_sessions[addr] = dtls.Session(*addr[:4]) connected = True self._last_event = None if self._app_data is None: logger.debug("Unable to fetch application data from DTLS") return None, None, connected data, addr = self._app_data self._app_data = None return data, addr, connected
[docs] def write(self, msg, addr): if isinstance(addr, tuple): if not self.is_connected(addr): logger.warning("%s does not have an active session", addr) return addr = self._active_sessions[addr] self._dtls.write(addr, msg)
[docs] class DNSOverDTLSServerFactory(BaseServerFactory): """Factory to create DNS over DLTS servers""" # pylint: disable=too-few-public-methods DODTLS_PORT = 853 dtls_class = TinyDTLSWrapper
[docs] class DNSOverDTLSServer(BaseDNSServer, DNSUpstreamServerMixin): """DNS over DTLS server implementation. :param factory: The factory that created the DNS over DTLS server. :type factory: :py:class:`DNSOverDTLSServerFactory` """ def __init__(self, factory): super().__init__(dns_upstream=factory.dns_upstream) self.factory = factory self.transport = None self._dtls = None def __del__(self): del self._dtls self._dtls = None
[docs] def connection_made(self, transport): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """See `connection_made()`_ .. _`connection_made()`: """ # noqa: E501 self.transport = transport self._dtls = self.factory.dtls_class(self.transport)
[docs] def datagram_received(self, data, addr): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """See `datagram_received()`_ .. _`datagram_received()`: """ # noqa: E501 data, addr, _ = self._dtls.handle_message(data, addr) if data is None: return self.dns_query_received(data, addr)
[docs] def error_received(self, exc): # pylint: disable=line-too-long """See `error_received()`_ .. _`error_received()`: """ # noqa: E501 self._dtls = None # pragma: no cover raise exc # pragma: no cover
[docs] def send_response_to_requester(self, response, requester): self._dtls.write(response, requester)
[docs] async def close(self): if self.transport is not None: if self._dtls is not None: # pragma: no cover for session in self._dtls.sessions(): self._dtls.close(session) self.transport.close() self.transport = None
[docs] def connection_lost(self, exc): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # pylint: disable=line-too-long """See `connection_lost()`_ .. _`connection_lost()`: """ # noqa: E501 self._dtls = None
def _create_server_protocol(self, *args, **kwargs): try: config = Config() _ = config["dtls_credentials"]["client_identity"] _ = config["dtls_credentials"]["psk"] except KeyError as exc: raise RuntimeError(f"DTLS credential option {exc} not found") from exc return self.DNSOverDTLSServer(self, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] async def create_server(self, loop, *args, local_addr=None, **kwargs): """Creates an :py:class:`DNSOverDTLSServer` object. :param loop: the asyncio event loop the server should run in :type loop: :py:class:`asyncio.AbstractEventLoop` :param local_addr: A tuple for the created server to bind to. The first element is the host part, the second element the port. :type local_addr: :py:class:`typing.Tuple[str, int]` :returns: An :py:class:`DNSOverDTLSServer` object representing an DNS over DTLS server. :rtype: :py:class:`DNSOverDTLSServer` """ if local_addr is None: local_addr = ("localhost", self.DODTLS_PORT) if local_addr[1] is None: local_addr = (local_addr[0], self.DODTLS_PORT) _, protocol = await loop.create_datagram_endpoint( self._create_server_protocol, *args, local_addr=local_addr, **kwargs, ) return protocol